So when they advertised limited tickets for his pre-album launch show here in London, I immediately applied; and was lucky enough to be selected for a ticket in the second round.
I usually don't take my camera to big gigs, partly because of security issues, partly because I am unlikely to get good shots unless I wind up close to the stage, and partly because trying to shoot in those crowded situations can get in the way of enjoying the show.
But a few days before the gig Jamie's people sent out an email asking people to bring their cameras along because he wanted to film a crowd sourced video of one of his songs. The idea was that he would prompt the crowd to pull out cameras for a particular song and get them to film the entirety. Everyone would then head home after the gig and upload their footage to The venue would upload their sound from the desk (likely post mixed) and fans could then view the song from a couple of hundred angles around the venue.
Great idea.
Mostly because it gave me an 'in' with my DSLR.
I arrived early to get a good spot in the front of the cue, but as we were being ushered through the security check point I was still pulled aside because I had a big camera bag on me. I found myself waiting in a pit off to the side, with a growing group of DSLR users, all pulling out our phones to show the 'Gig Nazis' the emails which had asked for us to bring cameras, all the while the rest of audience are streaming in ahead of us. I saw one guy head through with a Leica M9. I asked the security guy why he had let him go through and not me. He said, "Because he's only got a small camera. Yours is a professional one." He obviously had no clue what a Leica was and that it took much better pictures than mine. Got to get me one of those.
Eventually, after frantic conversations over walkie talkies, the 'misunderstanding' was cleared up and we were allowed into the venue with our gear.
The crowd had now filled up a 3rd of the room, but I managed to pull a sneaky maneuver via the arches and through the bar area to the left hand side of the stage. Why the left? The first thing I looked for when I walked into the room was to see which way his piano would be facing. Knowing I wouldn't be able to move around much, and that I would have to pick my angle from the start, I wanted to have a clear, over-the-shoulder-shot of his hands on the piano. The last thing I wanted was to be stuck on the opposite side of the piano and be shooting just the top of his head the whole night.
So with some sneaky elbow work I made my way into the perfect position between his piano and his keyboard and was able to capture some great action. If there was a media pit that night, I would have been standing in it, so good was my position.
The other joy about big gigs like this is that the lighting does all the work for you. I could lock my settings into manual for most of the time and rely on the professional lighting rig to create some interesting mood changes. All I needed to be aware of was that I was never losing my exposure when the brightest lights hit his skin. Other than that I let the chips fall where they may. With gigs like this you can't be afraid of shadows, because you're not looking for even exposure of the whole scene. You're looking for good skin tone, and then you can allow the shadows to create mood and negative space.
I must admit that this is a once off for me. I don't enjoy shooting at big gigs, and unless you have a press pass it really isn't worth bringing your pro camera along to fight security and get frustrated over the shots you can't get because you can't move. Rather just enjoy the experience and forget that you're a photographer for a evening.
On this occasion I got lucky.
Here are some of the shots I got:
This is the video I shot from my prime location:
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